Truss is maintained by Baseten, which provides infrastructure for running ML models in production. Baseten can be used as a remote host for your Truss models.

Get an API key

To set up the Baseten remote, you’ll need a Baseten API key. If you don’t have a Baseten account, no worries, just sign up for an account and you’ll be issued plenty of free credits to get you started.

Set the remote during truss push

When you run truss push for the first time, you’ll be prompted for a URL and API key and your Baseten remote will be set up automatically.

cd my-truss
truss push

Advanced usage

Set the remote manually

You can also configure your Baseten remote manually by opening the ~/.trussrc file in a text editor and pasting the following information (replace the placeholder api_key value):

remote_provider = baseten
api_key = abcdefgh.1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKL1234567890
remote_url =

Use multiple Baseten remotes

If you have multiple Baseten remotes that you push to, you can give them unique names in the ~/.trussrc file:

remote_provider = baseten
api_key = abcdefgh.1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKL1234567890
remote_url =
remote_provider = baseten
api_key = hgfedcba.0987654321ABCDEFGHIJKL0987654321
remote_url =

You’ll be prompted to select a remote during truss push if you have multiple remotes.